Monday, October 28, 2013

New Features on AJ Love!

Happy Monday Everyone!!.....

I'm pretty sure my family is the only ones who look forward to Mondays! My fiance has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off every week so Mondays are like our "Friday." I the above picture was too cute not to share with you all!

Anyways, I wanted to make sure to share with you all the new features on AJ Love since when I first did a blog post my blog didn't have what it does now! If you look on the right side of my blog you will see much more then before!

1.) Poll- I added the poll feature so I can get some feedback on certain topics I bring up! About once a week or so there will be a new question to vote on! So make sure to vote!
2.) Follow- The most important new feature is that I added the follow my blog option! All you have to do is enter your email, then you will get an email saying you need to confirm the email address you entered (all you do is click on the link to confirm). And then you will get an email every time I post something new on my blog! And don't forget to share my blog with your friends!
3.) Contact Me Form- Last but not least, I added a contact form to my blog! If you have any questions for me or concerns please let me know! But you don't necessarily need to do all that to just contact me, you can also comment on the blog post if you have a question about that topic or recipe I posted! I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible! As always feedback is always welcomed! I am always looking to make new friends!

Like I mentioned above you can find all of this on the right side of my blog page! And don't forget I am still looking for a cheesecake recipe! Look one post down!

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, October 25, 2013

In Search of a Good Cheesecake Recipe!

Ahh...cheesecake. One of the most delicious desserts but can be pretty tricking to make! And of course that's my fiance's favorite dessert (Couldn't he like something more simple to make?? Lol)! Usually when I make a cheesecake I opt to make the no-bake kind. Which is really good don't get me wrong but sometimes you just want to mix it up!

 My fiance's birthday is coming up early November and what did he request?? Cheesecake of course! But he said he wants me to try a recipe where you bake the cheesecake. My first response was do you really want me to try out something new on your birthday??? What if it doesn't turn out well??? He insists on having confidence in my baking skills..oh boy. Lol

So knowing that I have this endeavor coming up, I am searching for recipes online for a good cheesecake recipe. But there are so many to choose from and so many mixed reviews on a lot of them! He wants something chocolaty. Does anyone have a good cheesecake recipe? If not, do you have any good tips on baking a cheesecake? I would also love to hear everyone else's favorite desserts!

Behind The Name

Hi Everyone! I would like to take the time right now for my first blog post to introduce myself, my daughter and a little about my life. I am also going to talk about why I named the blog, AJ Love...

The above picture is of my daughter and I when she was about 6 months?? She is much older now! Anyways, my name is Kim, I am 21 years old and I stay at home with my daughter as well as work part time online! I am engaged to my daughter's father and we have been together for almost 4 years! We are thinking about getting married next year on our 4 year anniversary. It most likely won't be a big ceremony at all due to how expensive weddings can get even when you go cheap! As long as we get married :) Some things I enjoy doing are reading, baking, playing candy crush (yes I am also a candy crush addict!! Not really but it is fun!), etc. 

I can not wait to start sharing some of my favorite recipes with you all! And unlike a lot of recipes I see online it will actually consist of ingredients you can pronounce and find in stores! They also will not be completely complicated since I have "mom" proofed them! Meaning they are completely home made but not too complicated to the point a lot of moms won't have time to try them! I really do look forward to hearing your feedback on them! I am always looking to improve them or just know that they are actually good! Lol
And now introducing the reason I created this blog!.......

My beautiful daughter Amaya (pronounced with the May in the middle)!! My whole world! As you can see she is older now, she just turned two! Where has that baby gone??? Welcome to the toddler stage...where you need plenty of patience!! My daughter is a very active and loving little girl and I love her so much!  

So this brings me to the name of the blog, AJ Love. See my daughters first and middle name is Amaya Jane so for short I put AJ since she is the reason behind my blog! Then I put Love because my daughter's love has gotten me through so much and I really would not know what I would do without her!!

I would love to hear everyone's input on the name of the blog and/or suggestions! Like or dislike, I won't be offended! I would also love for any of my followers to introduce themselves as well! I am always looking for more mom friends! Thanks for reading....